
Get started on and safeguard your crypto investments with the industry-leading hardware wallet. Simple setup, ultimate peace of mind.

What is Trezor Wallet?

Trezor Wallet is a hardware cryptocurrency wallet that provides secure storage for various digital currencies. Unlike software wallets, it stores the user's private keys offline on a physical device, offering enhanced security against online hacks. Trezor supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and is designed for easy and secure access to your funds.

How to Use Trezor Wallet?

  1. Purchase and Unbox Your Trezor: Start by purchasing a Trezor device from their official website to ensure authenticity. After receiving it, unbox your Trezor carefully.

  2. Install Trezor Bridge: Go to the Trezor website and download the Trezor Bridge, which enables your computer to communicate with the Trezor device.

  3. Connect Trezor to Your Computer: Use the USB cable provided in the box to connect your Trezor device to your computer.

  4. Install Firmware: Follow the on-screen instructions on your Trezor device and computer to install the latest firmware. This step is crucial for security.

  5. Create a New Wallet: Once the firmware is installed, you can create a new wallet. Make sure to safely write down the recovery seed provided during the setup process. This recovery seed is your backup in case your Trezor is lost or damaged.

  6. Set Up a PIN: Create a strong PIN to protect your device. This PIN will be required every time you access your Trezor Wallet.

  7. Receive Cryptocurrency: To receive cryptocurrency, connect your Trezor, access your wallet interface through the Trezor website or compatible software, and select the cryptocurrency you wish to receive. You'll be given an address to which you can send funds.

  8. Send Cryptocurrency: To send funds, connect your Trezor, access your wallet, choose the amount, and enter the recipient's address. Confirm the transaction on your Trezor device.

  9. Safely Disconnect and Store: After completing your transactions, safely disconnect your Trezor and store it in a secure location.

Remember, the security of your cryptocurrencies heavily relies on keeping your recovery seed and PIN private and safe from unauthorized access.

Last updated